News & Press

Pre-Booked Pitch Prices to Remain the Same in 2024!

Pre-Booked Pitch Prices to Remain the Same in 2024!

Outside Pitches

For the fourth consecutive year running we will be freezing all PRE-BOOKED stallholder rents for outside traders at Sunbury Antiques Market, Kempton Park Racecourse.

Our CASUAL PITCH payments will increase by £5.00 per pitch

Inside Pitches

For the fourth consecutive year running we will be freezing all stallholder rents across the board for our inside traders at Sunbury Antiques Market, Kempton Park Racecourse.

As for everyone, the ever increasing running costs seem to be here for the foreseeable future, so we have taken this decision to say “thank you” for sticking with us during this ongoing difficult period.

May we take this opportunity to wholeheartedly thank you for your continued support & wish you all much health & happiness in 2024!



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